Sunday, February 27, 2022

In Brief: The Safety Charade and The Fear Charade of State Psychiatriarchy in the Community Mental Health Zone.

The Safety Charade and The Fear Charade of State Psychiatriarchy in the Community Mental Health Zone


Gavin AbdulHamid Bushe

Expert by Experience

Gender as a Patriarchal Factor in State Social Oppression of the Psychiatriarchy.

In the Jobstown Community in Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland, there is a local Command Tower at the Mary Mercer Centre. From this Command Tower State Psychiatrists send out assisted admission teams to arrest people in the local area on the basis that Public Safety must be upheld.

This is the Statist Tyranny of the local Patriarchal Men in their Proto-Statist Political Practice. The gender basis for this is protection of their family.

Gender as a Matriarchal Factor in State Social Oppression of the Psychiatriarchy.

In the Jobstown Community in Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland, there is a local Command Tower at the Mary Mercer Centre. From this Command Tower State Psychiatrists send out assisted admission teams to arrest people in the local area on the basis that Women are afraid of the unknown.

This is the Statist Tyranny of the local Matriarchal Woman in their Proto-Statist Political Practice. The gender basis for this is protection of their family.

Patriarchs: Safety Justification.

Matriarchs: Fear Justification.

Truth: It is an illusion of their own supposition upon a scapegoat.

Race as a Factor is State Social Oppression and Killing.

In the Blanchardstown Community in Dublin 15, there are mixed races of people, including a Black Community. As recent as December 2020 a Black Man called George nChenko was gunned down by the Statist Tyranny for breaking the Safety and Fear Clauses of the Blanchardstown Community. He went out into the area with a knife to attack the Blanchardstown Community who called the State Tyranny. They are the Garda Síochána.

The State Tyranny gunned him down and killed him with several rounds of automatic gunfire. The people received the news very well. The State was exonerated by RTE and the Collective silence, denial, and cover-up.

Truth: It was for the sexual satisfaction of the Community that they killed him for their own collective orgasms - knowing that there was no threat to them from one hunted man.

The Media Blackout ensured a cover-up and a white-wash.

The Black-Lives Matter Movement in Dublin attempted a Justice for George Campaign but many of the Black Community failed to support the idea on the basis that he was a sub-Black Citizen to them.

In my area the Local Psychiatriarchy harrass me and attempt to subdue and control me. The fact that I am a sub-White Citizen gives me a modicom of credibility with the Community plus I use the weapon of the pen.

Expanding the Mental Health Zone.

The Mental Health Zone is characterised by Free People who associate on a Free Basis in Opposition to the STATE Psychiatriarchy across safe house in the wider communities. 


Dial 999 - For the Safety Charade. 

Dial 999 - For the Fear Charade. 

Dial 0852138317 - For the Mental Health Zone to Defend you. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

On the Coming Islamic Gynocracy in Society

 The Approaching Islamic Gynocracy in World Society.


Gavin AbdulHamid Bushe

Principles of Women's Rule in Islam.

The history of religious Vice-Regency since the time of Abraham (Peace be Upon him) has been Patriarchal. Indeed it was Patriarachy with the Capital-P. Prophets were sent all of whom promoted a form of society which was lawful and severe.


With the development of human affairs across the globe since the time of Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) the Patriarchal world has descended human society into a prison house of peoples.


There is no Sharia in Islam that is not Male totalitarianism. With Womens' education and social improvement it becomes possible to talk about new ways of governing and guiding the Social Order without the Rule of the Patriarchs.


Generally speaking Law is Man's Law. War tends to be between different Mens' Laws. Women do not have a Law in history. They have the ability to establish rules but not legislation. Currently on the Global Blogospher a new tendency has emerged: Gynarchsim.


It will not be long until Muslim Women encounter Gynarchism and understand it from their vantage-point. It that highly-likely event a merger of Islamic practices will occur and in the realm of religion Muslim Women will see the value of a version of Vice-Regency where they are not the Slaves.

The Women will Interpret the Scripture and Set the Rules.

The Koran is replete with Verses such as Surat An-Nahl [16:75] and Surat Al-Imran [3:36] that open up new ways of reading the scripture if that be necessary for the benefit of Women in Islam.

It is imagined here that in the next decade: 2022-2032 AD notwithstanding an international war created by Patriarchy that Women will create a Social Order in Communities that is acceptable to Males and Females alike utilising scripture and other resources to effect change.

A Warning.

The Social Order has failed and if a solution is not reached upon war will inevitabley occur.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Results of Suicide-Pact made in 2022

 To Whomever Will Never Read This,

I had made a firm intention to confront a man whom I say is a Tyrant and commit Hara-Kiri is front of him.

I made initial plans on Twitter to achieve this. No one read it.

The target was Mirza Masroor Ahmad.

I decided upon this because he would not release me from a religious bind.

However upon absolute conviction and intention to commit Hara-Kiri - God informed him and he released the religious bind.

The story ends there for the time-being.