Sunday, December 22, 2019

Beyond the Middle Class Sex Relationship: A Mere Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beavoir's Library of Understanding.

Beyond the Middle Class Sex Relationship: A Mere Critique of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beavoir's Library of Understanding.


A Working Class Man in a Position of Minor Patrimony Who Was Divorced by a Middle Class Woman


Mr. Gavin AbdulHamid Bushe

Jean Paul Sartre’s philosophy of existentialism amounts to this from my dialectical-materialist point of view: 

“I Spend Therefore I am” – Hence his book: “Being and Nothingness”.

The philosophy of his companion, Simone de Beavoir, in her existentialism amounts to this from my dialectical-materialist point of view: 

It is the “Intermediary Currency Theory of Gender” – Hence her book: “The Second Sex”, or ‘I want money’.

A Proposed Solution for the Proletariat today:

“I Act Therefore I am.” – Meaning: Write your own book as I am not your father.

In the general global economy at the start of the 21st Century the mode of production is increasing one of Co-Production.  However the problem is this:

“There is co-production and variate remuneration” – Hence the idea: “Equality of Opportunity”.

What this really means is an anti-egalitarian modus operandi which is simply explained as, “From each according to their work, to each according to the contract”.

The point is to realise Communism which is the following:

“An association where the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all”, (Marx & Engels 1848).

This means that the following social-economy prevails as:

“From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”, (Marx & Engels 1848).

Therefore, in the new class sex relationships:

Between men and women it could be a question of labour synergy in romance.

End of Critique


According to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s in their co-produced book, “The German Ideology”, philosophy is a question of summing up material reality.


Marx, K., Engels, F. (1848) ‘The Communist Manifesto’.  Available at: [Accessed 22 December 2019]

Marx, K., Engels, F. (1846) ‘The German Ideology.’  Available at:  [Accessed 22 December 2019]

“It shows that history does not end by being resolved into “self-consciousness as spirit of the spirit,” but that in it at each stage there is found a material result: a sum of productive forces, an historically created relation of individuals to nature and to one another, which is handed down to each generation from its predecessor; a mass of productive forces, capital funds and conditions, which, on the one hand, is indeed modified by the new generation, but also on the other prescribes for its conditions of life and gives it a definite development, a special character.  It shows that circumstances make men just as much as men make circumstances.” – The German Ideology. Part I: Feuerbach. Opposition of the Materialist and Idealist Outlook. 7. Summary of the Materialist Conception of History’.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Beyond Land and Capital, A Mere Critique of Friedrich Nietzsche’s , “Beyond Good and Evil”.

Beyond Land and Capital, A Mere Critique of Friedrich Nietzsche’s , “Beyond Good and Evil”.


A Psychiatric Survivor
Gavin Bushe

The Ubermenschen (The Supermen) and the untermenschen (the undermen) are as such on the basis of having, and not-having.

The proletariat tend to have nothing.

Moral Justice will only exist when all work and share together equally.

After the Collectivisation of All Property human beings will be free and equal together for the Common Ends.

At that stage there will only be one human nation, one class, one reciprocity of gender.

Without private property there could only be the morality of the general will: that is to say, the Collective Will, Our Collective Will.

End of Critique

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Mechanisms of The Therapeutic State (The Psychiatry): An Addendum to Mechanisms of the Psychiatric Social Control Through Law, State and Society.

Mechanisms of The Therapeutic State (The Psychiatry):
An Addendum to Mechanisms of the Psychiatric Social Control Through Law, State and Society.


Gavin Bushe,

MLIS, B.A. (Hons), Cert.

Psychiatric Survivor

The machine of the incumbent social order masquerades behind a façade of healthcare.  As every feminist knows in relation to patriarchy: what is hidden is powerful.

The social power that oppresses us as mental health subjects operates through a very similar social power construct which could be named: psychiatriarchy.

The Psychiatriarchy Shares Many Similar Features With the Patriarchy as Follows:

It renders its subjects second in relation to non-Psychiatrised subjects, essentially creating an absolute other.

Every oppressed body has its bottom level.  The most possible oppression is to called be souless.  That is absolute otherness.

It Engenders a Social Privilege for the non-Psychiatrised parties in the form of a Psychiatric Dividend.

Class society is competitive and hierarchical over time.  Those who collude with the Psychiatric Power are awarded a status above all of the Psychiatric Caste in every social aspect and rewarded by negative discrimination for social goods before the Psychiatric Caste, .e.g. access to higher education; access to jobs, careers, professions, positions of political power, influence, status; love-interests; social discourses, etc.  In every opportunity society favours those with the Psychiatriarchy and Negatively Discriminates against those identified as psychiatrised.

It Conceals its Power Through Social Denial.

The Psychiariarchy pretends by the law of the Emperor’s New Clothes, to heal people while the Psychiatrised pretend to be healed for life - unto death. It is a torrid social collusion which dares not admit its truth.  The Psychiatriarchy knows that it is lying to itself about its pseudo-science.

The Psychiatriarchy utilises the most persuasive state powers in the form of toxic drugs and psychotherapies in order to do away with all thoughts of difference and hatred against the present society and its incumbents and hangers-on.

Its Mandate is This:

What cannot be tolerated must be treated.

What cannot be treated must be eliminated.

What cannot be eliminated must be discredited.

What cannot be discredited must be exiled.

What cannot be exiled must be buried.

What cannot be buried must be exorcised.

What can be exorcised? Nothing.

What is to be done?:

Our Task is to Expose it. 

Propaganda, Propaganda, Propaganda by experts through experience and qualification.

Our Task is to Then Do Away With the Psychiatric Profession as a Capitalist State Body.

By Stages we Shall Repeal the Psychiatric Laws.

By Stages we shall introduce equality laws to hold recruiting personnel accountable for negative discrimination in real opportunities for social progress for our subordinated stratum against the entire superincumbent strata of Class Society.

By Stages we shall suspend all State Funding for the State Psychiatric Profession.

By Stages we shall discontinue the production runs of Psychiatric Medicines.

By Stages we shall tell the psychotherapists to adopt a new mode of understanding beyond the intellectual products of all hitherto existing class societies – those being societies founded on the exploitation and oppression of one class over another.  It its wake we shall establish an association where the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.

Our Task is to Found a New Social Democratic Order of Mental Health Freedom.

By Stages we shall build real and meaningful social solidarity between people on the basis of equality of outcome.

By Stages we shall contribute and create entirely new forms of Human Ontological Growth first by drawing on all previous experiences.  Then by mental health teaching that advances on the Communist Maxim of: From each according to his abilities – to each according to his needs.

By Stages we shall found alternative non-Capitalist State organisations for the present and future liberation of men and women and trans-people.

To do this we must act decisively and effectively.  Time waits for no-one.  Our present is the bridge to our future together in freedom and equality beyond capitalism.

This is our Mind Freedom Pledge

The Injury to One is the Liberation of All


This humble tract is dedicated to the legacy of Karl Marx.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Mechanisms of the Apparatus of Psychiatric Social Control Through Law, State, and Society.


Mr. Gavin Bushe

MLIS, B.A. (Hons), Cert.

Psychiatric Survivor.

The Psychiatric Gaze.

The power to understand a person within a situation requires for its completion a given type of lens.  There is, for example, the common aphorism “to look through rose-tinted glasses” which is to say that we regard a situation with a most positive and romantic filter.  Similarly, men who attend drinking emporiums have cause to say that “he saw her through beer-goggles”, which is to say that a man saw in an average-looking woman great beauty while he was drunk in her company through alcohol.

In our examination and regard of psychiatric people we find a similar phenomenon.  It is that we adopt in our psychologies the attitude that the person before us is mad in some way.  This is the psychiatric gaze.  It is the presumption before another human being that he or she is “mentally ill” in some way.  This is not necessarily the case.  Outside of the psychiatric viewing structure which is socially constructed through stigma, a man or woman can be regarded quite highly or even honoured by those around him or her.

This psychiatric gaze takes on its highest and most rigorous form at the level of clinical psychiatry.  Indeed there are the five volumes of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals which is the psychiatric profession’s reference library for assessing people before its prescription desk.  It is through these methodological gazes that psychiatrists assess and then diagnose their patients.  There are many of these diagnoses available to a psychiatrist, e.g., bi-polar disorder, depression, pschizo-effective disorder, pschizo-effective disorder with bi-polar tendencies, schizophrenia, etc.  These are all various ways of naming a man or a woman so that they may be treated effectively according to psychiatry.  It is worth mentioning that these diagnoses or names are useful in controlling so-called symptoms while they really control the person before the psychiatric authority.  Additionally the diagnostic procedure is the means through which social stigma is made to come to bear upon the patients.  At the assessment and diagnostic review the person comes to understand himself or herself as unwell in some way.  This is only true if the person internalises the diagnoses and identifies with it as his or her own psychological reality.  Great effort is made to convince the patients to accept the diagnoses and come to terms with themselves as mentally ill.

Upon doing do the diagnoses takes root in the patient’s mind as though a thorn that they struggle against and seek to resist because it is a false statement about their inner mental life.  Social relations reinforce the narrative to the psychiatric citizens because people who are not psychiatrised support the psychiatric system because it awards them a default superior social and legal status over their peers who are psychiatrised before them.  Later this approach becomes a utility in the hands of political actors across institutions within the country.  Psychiatry is a useful trump card in many political games for it is hard to deny the power of the psychiatric state for those who opt to control others by it.

In summary the psychiatric gaze means to say that the context of the understanding is being provided by the attitudinal filter, the gaze, or “how is he mad?”  This results in some form of mad assessment being made about the psychiatric patient.  The psychiatric gaze is a powerful tool in the hands of the beholder. Literally speaking, madness is in the eye of the beholder.  The psychiatric gaze shapes how we view other people whom we suspect of the tautological offence of madness.  Away from this attitude and approach we may well find that we treat the person differently.  Without such a lens, we do not see a psychiatric condition.  It is only via reference to the framework of the gaze that we are able to assess another person as mentally ill in some way.  This is not to say that human beings do not have mental health problems, they may well do.  It is only to say that outside of the specific form of gazing and regarding and looking that is created by psychiatry, that person has only a life or mental health problem, and not a psychiatric problem, for that is the creation of the psychiatric gaze itself.  The gaze creates the understanding in the way a pair of spectacles shapes an image on the wearer’s retina, by shaping the thoughts of the observer as one or other categories of mental illness when he examines or considers the psychiatric subject before him or her.

The psychiatric gaze is the way society looks at people who it deems is in need of control.

The Psychiatric Law.

The Psychiatric Law is the authority that runs throughout social life that governs how some citizens come to award themselves political power over their psychiatrised others.  Within a political state such as a modern republic like Ireland, the consequence of this authority is that it creates first-class and second-class people.  These are the superior and inferior citizenry: the normal and the mad ones.  The superior citizenry rules over the inferior or psychiatric citizenry through the apparatus of the police state.

The Social Collusion on the Treatment of Psychiatric Citizens.

Civic duty is a code of organisation upon people in a republic.  There is also the general agreement that a mentally ill citizen is to be controlled for his or her own good.  Therefore the people see it as an act of duty to cooperate to ensure that a mentally-ill psychiatric citizen is put in his or her appropriate place.

Effectively this means that people automatically relate in a cooperative way to enforce the psychiatric law on the psychiatric citizens when they are perceived as being problematic.

The Fear Charade and its Utility to Political Actors Throughout Society.

There is across our mass media a common understanding that psychiatric citizens are dangerous to themselves or others.  For certain there is some truth in this.  However the fear factor can be ramped-up in order to create a political effect.  In that way some people understand that the control mechanism of the state is only a phone-call away.  The psychiatric profession understands how to foster a relationship of social control with the significant people around any psychiatric citizen.  Indeed it cultivates the relationship of social control over the psychiatric citizens.  I must say that a psychiatrist stands within the state system in relation to a psychiatric citizen in much the same way as a spider stands on its web in relation to a fly.  The psychiatric system of social control is vulnerable to being manipulated by safety concerns.  That is its fear charade.  It is the horror of knowing that out in society are people who are capable of inflicting damage on good people.  The horror of the psychiatric reality is promoted in popular culture, famously the great Alfred Hitchcock film classic, “Psycho” which is a leader in the private drama while news reports of violent acts by psychiatric citizens conveys the truth that in certain circumstances and conditions psychiatric citizens are dangerous to themselves or others.  With the knowledge of the reality that it is right and proper to contain psychiatric citizens, the superior citizens operate around the fear concern to such an extent to leverage political advantage over their neighbours that it adopts the aspect of a charade.  The superior citizens know that they are operating a rational actor game and this becomes useful to them when some of them abuse the psychiatric law for power and domination.  It is highly useful to many of the superior citizens to utilise the psychiatric law for their social power.  Indeed it can even become undeniably useful to those who are adept in the wielding of legal technicalities when reporting to the police.  This gives rise to political psychiatry.  That is the general rule of superior citizens over psychiatric citizens.  It is a rule that can never be undone except by the repeal of the psychiatric law as a political fact.

The Institutional Nexus of Social Control.

The whole of our society is a collective of institutions.  They are the family, the school, the church, the college, etc.  Over all of these institutions is the knowledge by the superior citizenry that they can and do in fact have the right and ability to leverage social control over their psychiatric citizen neighbours.  This means that wherever any psychiatric citizen ends up in the nexus, he or she is subjectionable to the authority of the psychiatric law.  It is all-encompassing as a nexus of social control.

The Axe of the Superior Citizens over the Psychiatric Citizens Through the Mental Health Act 2001.

Psychiatric power came to dominate the life of the psychiatric citizens first within the madhouses.  Later in the era of progressive reform this power was extended in the popular mind by the Mental Health Acts, most recently the Mental Health Act 2001 which was signed into law by Fíanna Fáil Minister for State and Children, Micheal Martin TD.  Since then in particular the Mental Health Act has become a weapon of choice for those of the superior citizenry who wish to command their psychiatric citizen neighbours into internal exile within the archipelago of approved detention centres across the Republic of Ireland.  When will this axe be taken out of the hands of the superior citizens?

The Performance of the Police as Enforcers of the Mental Health Law.

Generally speaking the Police are the armed bodies of men and women who can be relied upon to enforce political power for the superior citizens over the psychiatric citizens with little doubt as to outcome.  The behaviour of the Police is to identify the suspected psychiatric citizen as quickly as possible in the service of the peace of the superior citizens and arrest that citizen.  Then the Police will take the psychiatric citizen to the police station to place him or her under the review of the Police Psychiatrist.

The Psychiatric Review and its Inanity.

The procedure through which the alleged risk to society by the psychiatric citizen of the psychiatric authority is to be determined, is via a review methodology.  This is a very simple list of standardised questions that psychiatrists ask their patients under review.  For example, the psychiatric patient might be asked, “How is your sleep?” or “How well are you eating?”.  Other such common questions are, “Have you had any thoughts of harming anyone?” The answers to these questions will be written down on a document by the reviewing psychiatrist in order to construct a diagnosis and medical prescription.  For every diagnosis there is a range of suitable medications within the medical model of bio-psychiatry.  To the psychiatric patient this appears at first innocuous and then later inane as it slowly become clear to him that he is being set-up for a treatment.

The Prescriptive Dictates of the Psychiatrists.

Eventually it will become clear to the patient that he is to be given an unrefusable treatment.  This is unethical as it violates the principle of consent.  Nevertheless whether outside an approved detention centre or within one, the authority of psychiatry is completely irresistible.  Whenever a psychiatric citizen admits to refusing to take the medication as prescribed he will be assaulted by psychiatric nurses with the assistance of security and compelled to do so by forced injections.  There are other cruel and inhumane treatments that are prescribed by the psychiatrists within a locked-ward setting.  Most notably these are electro-convulsive therapy (Electro-shock) and lobotomy.  All these procedures are a violation of the human rights of the psychiatric citizens by the psychiatric state as laid out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Indeed the suspension of citizens’ liberty by the State is supremely clear as a human rights denial.  While in approved detention the psychiatric citizens whittle away their life’s purposes all the while seeking within and around themselves for some clarity as to why they are there.  They are responded to with continuous reinforcement of the psychiatric narrative that are there to “get well” for the psychiatric problems that never existed except in relation to the psychiatric mechanism of control which created it as a compound layer over their mental and moral problems.

The Collaboration of the GPs and the Pharmacists.

Once outside of the approved detention centres where they are confined until such time as they can reasonably be said by psychiatric methodology to be dependent on the psychiatric medications for the foreseeable future, they are released back into the wider society with only their few belongings that they possessed when they arrived.  Now out in the “community setting” they find that they are drugged for life without any real option but to self-administer the medical poison of the pharmaceutical industry.  It must be noted in passing that the psychiatric citizenry form a definite and distinct social strata from the rest of Irish society.  We are a second-class people within Ireland comparable to the Traveller Community in many ways of oppression.  We associate in our own social networks with tentative relationships to the normal population and by and large we are understood by the insider groups with the social economy as being unworthy of socio-economic inclusion.  Such is the social effect of the Psychiatric System upon those unfortunate ones who are chosen by the well-placed personnel of the institutional nexus of social control for elimination from the company of the favoured sons and daughters of Ireland.  The path dependency of the apparatus of social control for the psychiatric citizens is a  mockery of justice and reason as it follows the psychiatric citizens throughout our lives from that point onwards as a form of negative discrimination in access to jobs, relationships, social mobility and the lives of felicity which the people deemed normal enjoy on a scale of progress that ensures their success within Ireland.  Outcomes for psychiatric citizens are tremendously poor by comparison to our superior citizen peers.

Throughout the socially controlled existences of the psychiatric citizens the two pillars of the community who are the GPs and the Pharmacists play a very strong role in overseeing our life-long subordination to the psychiatric mechanism by playing their roles as medicine dispensers within the nexus.  Between they and the Psychiatric Profession we are controlled by men and women of usually higher learning and systemic understanding.  They collaborate within the psychiatric mechanism because it is highly profitable and since it is the law they feel absolutely justified in watching us receive the enervating poisons continually.  As qualified medical practitioners they must surely understand as we do that we are being slowly murdered by the psychiatric mechanism…

The Power of Social Persuasion to Conform to Treatments.

Now among the people there is the awareness that the psychiatric citizens must be made to take their treatments.  Therefore conversation about the negative impact of psychiatry is only recently being opened up to the personal stories of patients.  All the while the public representatives of the Psychiatric Profession promote the false theories of their school of medicine as widely and loudly as possible.  In this environment of accusation and innocence the survivors of psychiatry work to change the system.  It is a slow process as the power of the medical model psychiatric narrative is still being used constantly to persuade by force of culture the conformity of patients to prescribed treatments.  Hopefully in time psychiatric citizens will learn how to counter this culture of social persuasion?

The Lifelong Reviewing Process and its Agents of the Health Services Executive.

The argument of the Psychiatric Profession is that their patients are suffering from a range of clinical mental illnesses which are bio-chemical in their nature and life-long.  Thus it is argued that we must be kept under life-long review and maintained on our regular doses of psychiatric medication which is slowly killing our nervous systems.  This is because they allege that our so-called mental illnesses are being held at bay by sedatives.  Really we are suffering from complex life and mental health problems which have nothing to do with any chemical imbalance and the medications in particular serve only to induce drowsiness, fog the mind, sicken the soul with saccarine feelings that the moral soul detests with a fury.  Any attempt to reduce or come off completely from psychiatric medication  is resisted by the Psychiatrists and their Health Service Executive personnel who range around the community at the behest of the Psychiatrists in an effort to drive home the purpose of the Psychiatric Mechanism: safety control of the population.

The Regulation of the Drug Control Mechanisms by Testing.

Many of the drugs that are administered to the psychiatric citizens by Industrial State Psychiatry require regular bloods-testing for their effectiveness.  Since the medications are dangerous they must be regulated in order to ensure effectiveness without doing harm to the patients.  Routinely Psychiatrists will send their patients for such blood-tests.  This is yet another layer of the apparatus and another imposition of the systematic will of the Psychiatric State with Society in order to ensure the alienating control perpetuates itself.  The Mechanisms of the Apparatus of Social Control  are felt most acutely at the blood investigation level.

The Ongoing Threat of Psychiatric  Coercion by the Superior Citizenry Over the Psychiatric Citizenry, and the Ambiguous Role of Culture in its Perpetuation.

Moreover the everyday lives of the Psychiatric Citizenry is weighted down by knowledge that our next review is up-and-coming and that we cannot refuse it except that we will be reminded of it via letters and SMS messages, and home visitations by HSE staff.  For those of us who have understood the problem at a theoretical level we are aware of the threat of the Mental Health Act 2001 and its various sections.  The Superior Citizens too can see that they will be able to utilise the law to an effect should it be required.  This makes for an uneasy life.  The culture of the society is such that it is ambiguous about sectionings and the need for safety and protection against our alleged dangerousness.  Due to the increasingly widespread growth of the psychiatric population as a portion of the citizen body many people feel that it is wrong for the psychiatric system to continue as it has done while some appreciate the security provided by the Psychiatric State Sector.  Therefore there is hope that over time the culture can be informed about the realities of the psychiatric experience for the people within it.

The Perversion of the Superior Citizenry over the Psychiatric Citizenry and their Unrelinquishable Satisfaction in Social Power and Dominion.  Its Corrupting Effects on the Moral Sense of the Superior Citizenry.  The  Need to Restore the Social Status of the Psychiatric Citizenry through Restorative Justice.

As with all systems of social power they affect the people within them differently and unfortunately predictably.  The superior citizenry who belong increasingly to the upper classes of Ireland regards the psychiatric citizenry as inferior and deserving of our outcomes within capitalism.  The combination of socio-economic status with an absolute dominion is akin to fascism within the Republic.  Thus the superior citizens cannot but gaze with supremacy at us and receive back our defiance and manners of civic-social defence.  They are unable to relinquish their control without a concerted fight.  This dynamic is understandably corruptive of their attitudes to the problem of social-control.  The way forward is to educate the psychiatric citizenry is their relations to everyone else and the Psychiatric State.  Also it is greatly needed to elevate the psychiatric citizens to the level of consciousness where we can begin to act concertedly together to advance our life interests and political aims.  The road ahead will be fraught with tests as we engage with the superior citizenry in propaganda and activism.  However the general goal is nothing less than complete restorative justice for our caste of the population.

The Psychiatric Mechanism safeguards the socio-economic interests of the superior citizenry body in Ireland.  Within that context any challenge to its structures of law and civility will be resisted or ignored.  In the end this is a just fight of an oppressed class of the Irish Republic whose only option is to struggle or perish within the Psychiatric Mechanism as it operates itself like a hoover over the people.  Only by working together in love and common humanity can we find the strength to arise from the margins and take our rightful place at the heart of Irish life as Irishmen and Irishwomen in equality.

Citizens of Ireland Unite to End the Psychiatric Authority Over the People.

Our Day Will Come!

Man the Producer, Woman the Producer-Reproducer

Man the Producer, Woman the Producer-Reproducer


Mr. Gavin Bushe

MLIS, B.A. (Hons), Cert.

This short essay is the intellectual production of a mature proletarian man in the situation of unemployment at the end of the market clear-out phase of the capitalist recession of 2008 – 2019 AD.

This humble intellectual production is in dedication to

Karl Marx.

Man the Producer, Woman the Producer-Reproducer.

Men and women differ in how we produce and reproduce reality.  Together we are one species, different though necessary and complementary.  In this essay I will outline my understanding based on dialectical-materialist philosophy of the problem of gender from a working class man’s perspective.

Specialisation in Economic Life.

The economists have generally agreed until now that economic development tends to result in experts in production, the elite of whom are called specialists.  The reason for this tendency is that the maintenance of the value of labour power requires the constant improvement of human abilities in any given field of work.  Warfare as the most competitive  expression of human dialectical development is awesome in its specialist forms.

In order to secure a return in economic life the experts must specialise in a given field or fall into obsolescence.  Why would economic actors who meet each other in the wider economy settle for less than the most excellent, most productive economic components?  They would not.  Rather the stages of development of any economic component is that it advances infinitely through labour, notwithstanding the limitations of any historical mode of production based on exploitation of labour by the possessors of social surplus, namely, Slave-Owning Economy, Feudal Economy, Capitalist Economy, Transitional Socialist Economy.

Economics tends towards specialised labour rather than generalised labour for the maintenance of the value of labour power.  In this regard men are historically the outstanding producers of world history.  Women, by contrast have a dual role being simultaneously producers and reproducers.  In most historical economies women excelled in producing and reproducing men.  The world-class achievement of women’s science is called gender studies.  Men of the 21st Century now find themselves in the necessary position of analysing gender from a uniquely male perspective, independent of the interpretations of the gender experts and specialists, the women.  To produce history it has been necessary to produce men of excellence, for which women were enlisted via many persuasions, e.g. religion and culture to that end.  The conditions of late capitalism have coalesced to create a potential scenario where a historical tangent could occur in the form of women’s command of capitalism.  This would be a gender order that reverses the traditional complaint of women about men.  Because of this end many voices raise the call for the end of gender equality.  On the one hand reactionary men seek to smash the spectre of communism, while this communist wishes to rebuke the reactionary men along with the anti-egalitarian women.  A small contingent of men have organised to create a men’s movement founded on the equality principle.  I am one of those such men.

The Advantages of Economic Specialisation.

When producers specialise they transcend from primitivity to enlightenment.  General labour is typically less effective than specialised labour in any given activity.  Within the capitalist mode of production specialist labour is better able to secure and demand higher wages than general labour.  Hence there is a difference of social status between specialised and general labour.

Taking the example of a given economy such as fire-creation.  It is true that historically there is an immense development from the early flint and tinder, through gas-lighting, to electric fluorescents to atomic energy, and theoretically into the quantum energy field.  While all of the aforementioned fire-lighting is essentially the same idea, there is clearly an order of superiority between each successive manifestation of the idea.

Economic specialisation permits the achievement of progress.  Conversely economic generalisation tends to result in mediocre progression.  To its chagrin the proletariat find itself continuously subjected to the specialisations achieved by the bourgeoisie who force the proletariat to adapt to capitalist needs.  In the late capitalist period a job-for-life has been done away with and flexibility and versatility has become the new requirement.  Thus the workers are made general workers all of the time.  Even worse highly educated labour at the level of doctorate is not necessarily guaranteed  any better position within the framework of the economy.  Without the capital to make its own reality, even doctors of the proletariat cannot necessarily find work except in the expansion phase of the decennial capitalist cycle.

It should remain clear that economic specialisation will remain the necessary tendency prior to the realisation of the communist mode of production, where free labour will then be able to excel across multiple disciplines without fear of redundancy.  Specialised economies also produce more surplus at any given rate of production.

The Disadvantages of Economic Dualism.

Women as producer-reproducers automatically fall into a similar reality to general labour.  However the specific reality of women as producer-reproducers has fascinated social scientists since time immemorial.  Early Capitalism had made women into donors of value to capitalist men in particular since the mass inclusion of women’s labour in the factories, etc.  Meanwhile proletarian men observed the decadence attendant upon proletarian women as a result of their enlargement through their wage-labour.  This increase in the plutocracy for women gave rise to the feminist movement.

The demands of the feminists resulted in a radical re-division of labour within the households of the proletarian men on the footing of the equality principle.  I mention in passing that these economic developments corresponded to a saga of social struggle whose ultimate end was the victory of the feminist tendency among women.

Economic Dualism can never realise an equal level of development as compared to Economic Specialisation due to the inherent calculus of the parallel progression for the Economic Dualist.  Therefore women as producer-reproducers are forever resigned to the shadow of men as producers.  Every sociological manoeuvre has been tested in order to trump this law of the universe.  Speculatively, the women could simply make men into their wives and insist that they raise the children.  In such a reality, men as specialists in home economics, would be the “hand-maidens” of a gynarchy in social terms.

It remains to be observed whether men would accept such a specialist producer role.  However it would assist but not solve the limitations of the producer-reproducer role.

The original Communist egalitarian solution was to communalise the family within common property relations.  Today it might be to equalise and democratise the family based on private property relations.  Alternative developments could see the rise of alienation between many men and many women living separate lives as strangers to each other, or any number of chaotic social forms based on semi-utopian principles.

The Late-Capitalist Mode of Production.

The period of recent history is correctly called the period of Late-Capitalism.  This period has been clearly observed since the counter-revolutionary overthrow of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991 AD.

The Late Capitalist period is characterised by all manner of reactionary and triumphalist calumnies against Marxism.  However since the riddle of history was already solved by Marx in the 19th Century it is a bit early to celebrate the denial of truth.  This is particularly difficult in light of the twice confirmation of Marxism in this 28 year period.  The first confirmation was the devouring of the Soviet State by counter-revolutionaries within the bureaucracy of the USSR as predicted by Leon Trotsky in his book, “The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and where is it going?” in 1936 AD.  The second confirmation is the Great Recession of 2008 to 2019 AD which the world has been destroyed by the over-production of housing concomitant with the inability of proletarians to purchase homes or shelter.

The Late-Capitalist economy rescued itself from revolution by subsidising the private ownership of housing using the Capitalist State.  The debt burden has crippled the ability of Late-Capitalism to resume general commodity production on the usual time period.  The prognosis is for an extended economic drag with primitive accumulation to fund the debt burden.  The political elections across Europe in 2020 might lead to some new arrangement of calculated debt forgiveness and some repudiation of debt according to the balance of forces among the usual political forces historically.  Interestingly the women’s movement has added some spice to the tired politics.  The movement for the emancipation of women remains a force to be reckoned with as the period emerges into its next economic take-off.

The Development of the Character of Men and Women Under the Conditions, Forces, and Relations of Production Generally Prevalent in Late-Capitalism, 1991-2019 AD.

The definition of a man as opposed to a woman has become embroiled in controversy as late as the trans-gender debate.  From the perspective of a materialist assessment this question resolves itself into a question of “Who is owner of the body?” and “Who is the owner of the resources?”  By genetic design a man is he who produces and therefore possesses wealth.  By genetic design a woman is she who produces and/or reproduces and therefore comes under a dependency upon someone else when she reproduces. 

Variations in male and female character are wholly predicated on the relationship of giving and receiving wealth.  Man is the producer and therefore man gives wealth to the woman, always. This wealth is as varied as men are.  However ultimately it is his unique genetic signature that is given and then husbanded.  Women as producer-reproducers create human life in their wombs, always.

The debacle over gender theory results out of the unconscious confusion of some men and women who find themselves on the wrong side of the dependency relationship.  For example, men without wealth cannot give that wealth to women.  Therefore they find sexual needs met with other men.  Women with too much wealth find that a mere pauper among the men can no longer satisfy their need for possession in the sex act.  Thus they dispense with the male component and adopt the female component with an understanding that they have met their equal.  With the aid of new forces of reproduction women find that they can impregnate themselves with the genetic material of males who donate to fertility clinics.  Furthermore women are able through advanced reproductive technologies to determine many of the specifics of the children whom they would like to have or not have.

The application of capitalist science to shape the character of men and women is a game-changer in social confusion.  Hence the oft-repeated demands of trans-gender people for recognition.  It is a shame that under the banner of equality and diversity many of the young people of Late-Capitalism are being stunned by radical gender theory.  Boys in particular are extremely vulnerable in this climate of Late-Capitalist-Feminist revanchism.

The struggle for the future of Late-Capitalism has entered the education system with an unholy force of depredation upon the youth of Late-Capitalism.  Such is the long-game for the classes who are reconciled to perpetual capitalism as they seek to win the old struggle for civilisation.  Only Communism has the potential to break the deadlock.

The working men of the world have the potential to liberate themselves and the rest of society from the dark spell of the spectacle of late capitalist enchantment that plays out like a sorcerer’s ritual on the global media.

Working men know the truth.  The truth is our means of setting ourselves free.   Victory upon those working men who embrace the truth of their real social relations and tell that to power.

Ideologies of the Producer-Reproducers in Late-Capitalism.

Political understandings eventually form well-rounded and consistent theories which in practice become ideologies.  The women are as capable of this activity as anyone.  The old ideologies of the producer-reproducers are now redundant for the needs of women.  Such is the way of the world that when one thing has served its purpose it is discarded.  Therefore in the era ahead we can confidently say goodbye to the following ideologies of the producer-reproducers: Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism, Black Feminism, Third-Wave Feminism.


The apex of capitalist women in Europe could arguably be said to have be attained by the ascendency to power in 1979 AD of Mrs Margaret Thatcher.  The producer-reproducers of this class were unable to accept the feminist argument in light of their positions.  Therefore they formulated post-feminism in order to explain how they could advance within the capitalist economic expansion at the time.  The gigantic influx of career-oriented women into the economy gave a profound strength to this particular ideology which remains pivotal to the critique of the character of men and women within the system.  Since these women are associating with the most elite men it is impossible for them to get the upper hand and therefore they look to the entire world to attack the elite producers.  Thus the slogan “We are the 99%”.  Recent reports in the media state that the billionaires feel oppressed by society.  The slogan of equality still remains useful at the point of call for gender quotas for the position at the summit of world economic power.


The jettison of the equality agenda is not uncommon within recent history across the world.  Notable examples are: Zanu-PF in Zimbabwe who no longer believes in racial equality. Zionism in Israel which no longer believes in religious equality.  Putinism in Russia which obviously does not believe in class equality even as a pretence of transitional programme.  South African racial equality is threatening to collapse into a revanchist movement against the former Boer overlords.

So it is the case also in world politics with many women.  Once the fact of combined and uneven development under capitalism is considered by superior women they seek out their less developed male counterparts for the purposes of executing an historical tangent which will only lead to terminal decline of their dystopian societies.  The prospect of a female-led polity is quite tempting to many women who within the hierarchies of the “free and unequal” social order announced by Francis Fukiyama see no reason to do anything other than pitilessly tear asunder the producers who they rightly despise for their inequality of outcome within Late-Capitalism.

The current gynarchist tendencies in public affairs all share a similar vein of elaborate matriarchy.  This tendency shares all the hallmarks of a master-gender theory and practice and attracts lumpen-proletariat elements as much as national socialism or Islamism.  We can call this the deformity of feminism.  The application of scientific feminist practices to state policy is taken to its logical solution by gynarchism.  This is a warning to the women who read this essay.


The writings of the Marxist-Feminists leave much to be desired in terms of inclusion for men.  These particular producer-reproducers strive in Communist agitation while they completely ignore the library of Socialism as though only their recent conclusions in reproductive rights could be the path of development for Communist men and women.  In particular they simply cannot comprehend that using State Power against men is wrong when it violates equality principles.  So it is that in Ireland they moaned about the capitalist state apparatus upon women under the 1983 Pro-Life Amendment to the Irish Constitution as causing a chill factor.  Trostky himself called this type of reality, “the philosophy of a priest with the power of a gendarme”.  Now in 2019 AD the Trotskyist-Feminists have no comment on the reversal of the situation upon working class men or indeed any men.  The ends justifies the means when the ends is justified said Trotsky.  That end he had in mind was Socialism.  Today in Ireland with the introduction of the Pro-Choice 36th Amendment to the Irish Constitution within Late-Capitalist conditions of life all the joy of existence for many men has been snuffed out by the absolute authority under the capitalist law for women against men over the fruit of joint labour, human life.


The teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad are powerful within the worldwide community of Muslims.  This does not mean that the historical conditions of Late-Capitalism do not affect the souls of Muslim women.  Lengthy efforts are being made to adjust Islamic interpretation in light of new economic realities.  This brings Islamic women up-to-date with the worldwide trends across the globe.  It is an open question as to whether Islamic Feminism can square-the-circle on women’s rights or prove an exit point for Muslim women out of the religion.

Feminism of the Swedish Model.

The highest political attainment for women in their own rights has occurred in the Scandinavian countries especially Sweden by 2019 AD.  In this country we have a self-declared Feminist State.  The clampdown on Swedishmen is observable.  This particular form of revanchism is the most likely candidate for a tangent of history.  Here the principle of equality is adhered to at all times but in practice it means the suppression of all men and in particular young men in schools, institutions, society and culture.  The promises of the Swedish Feminists sound marvellous before the court of public opinion.  In reality they are a form of female superiority across the society.  They are a restrained gynarchism.


The coalescence of social factors resulting in the anti-Communist womens’ rights movement is peculiar in the hands of Christian women.  They are aware of the Bible.  However manifest destiny is a sometimes difficult to deny.  These are perhaps the women least similar to Mary the Mother of Jesus since St. Paul’s encounter with the followers of the Goddess Diana at the Temple of Ephesus in the 1st Millennium AD.  They know the rights and duties of family but they cannot give up their property claims such that both men and women together could realise a lasting supper of gender justice within their communities. This branch of producer-reproducers are destined to struggle with their hearts in light of the promises of a share in Late-Capitalist sybaritic dues.

Dialectics of Reproduction.

Dialectics is the logic of contradiction.  It is an historical advance over Cartesian logic of stasis.  It means that material reality is always undergoing change.  Men and women are very material beings and we undergo change consequent to changes in our social relations. Those social relations went through change due to production relations.  Previously the production relations went through change due to development of the forces of production.  These themselves were situated upon the conditions of production as a material foundation.

Men and women almost always want to meet and romance and to have children.  This brings up the logic of the contradiction between the opposites of male and female.  As I have argued in this essay from an economic perspective, men are producers, and women are producer-reproducers.  In the dialectics of reproduction men produce and earn and then interpenetrate with producer-reproducers to create babies. 

The social rituals surrounding this phenomenon are different in time and place.  However they never escape the fundamental economic reality as described. 

The Competition for Children.

The drive to reproduce with all that that entails is so powerful that history can often change on its basis.  Such was the Anglican Reformation of King Henry Tudor VIII of England when he defied the Papacy for a divorce from his Catholic wife Catherine of Aragon.  Even the people of forgotten places of the world understand this well.  The Late-Capitalism has created such inequality that human beings lose their minds in the legitimate effort to become parents.

By Late-Capitalism the rules of the game are firmly in the court of women.  This has made romance into a political opportunity for the womens’ movement who like to favour and disfavour according to political considerations.  Such is the culture of sex selection with only those males who are with the programme of the producer-reproducers.  Stories abound among men in private and on the internet of their treatment at the hands of the women.  This trial of men quickly leads to a dystopian society very easily.

Men Versus Men Versus Women and Women.

The dynamics of the Late-Capitalist dialectics of reproduction under conditions of socio-economic decline make for a quiet jungle affair among the competitors for children.  Men compete against men.  At the same time women understand that it is best when they club together mostly for the sisterhood of women.  The effect on working class unity is corrosive.


The 3 laws of dialectical development exist in all change.  Within the development of new human life they are extremely clear.  Firstly, in the transformation of quantity into quality as seen under a sonagraph, a zygote once attached to his or her mother’s placenta undergoes rapid development until he eventually transforms by cell multiplication into a fully-formed new child.  This represents the interpenetration of opposites in embryological development (male-female) within the zygote which continues inevitably until the negation of the negation of the woman is complete as a birth.  In economic terms the labour of males and females combines in the reproduction of humanity.  The child is the product of joint labour, either by the love act itself or the provision and tending to the woman by the man during her incapacity as a pregnant human being.  How then can a producer-reproducer say that it is her body and her choice alone?  She cannot unless she denies the labour of the producer in the pregnancy.  It was the joint body in unity between the man and woman.  The fruit of her womb is a co-production.  In any case the woman’s body produces the child automatically after conception.

How is possible that she could take a unilateral decision on what is in truth a co-production?  Well, she is a woman within the Late-Capitalist mode of production.  She knows that the person who possesses anything is the rightful actor by capitalist laws.  Also, does not the capitalist man appropriate the product of labour from the workers at all strokes anyway?  Yes. He does.  Why then would an emancipated women upon seeing the example of the capitalist man not emulate him and appropriate the co-production of reproductive labour?  Indeed she does and with the capitalist courts’ endorsement.  This is an era of over-ripeness in commodity production.  The women of late capitalism are also very over-ripe in their opportunities for children.  Just as Late-Capitalism wastes and squanders huge amounts of production on a regular basis, so too does the woman of Late-Capitalism squander her womb’s fruit appropriately according to choice.  Hence, the unstoppable abortion movement.  It is simply the problem of too many babies and no one to rear them.

The Raising of Children.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.  Jesuits really understand this too.  That’s why they demand the boy at seven that they might produce the man.  The struggle for civilisation that has always rocked the world, now in the era of the rise of the producer-reproducer economy, sees the battle as taking place from day one of the human being’s life.  The state is playing a nefarious role in this matter.  Only recently was a radical sex-education programme for Irish schools postponed from implementation under pressure from Irish parents.


The fundamental social unit of society cannot exist on a street corner.  Housing is categorically imperative for all human beings and especially for the co-production of new human life.  Across the world there is an estimated 100 million homeless people.  In the market clear-out phase of the Great Recession of 2008-2019 AD housing has become an issue that has been talked away by Late-Capitalist governments.  They have privatised the housing stock at this point and by various state-backed financial means they have created a new layer of landlords.  Landlords make for among the most reactionary of social classes.  Although the world’s wealth had never been greater the cunning schemes by which the propertied reap the surplus is larceny on an immense scale, and quite legal.

The Constant Demand for More Living Space.

Upward mobility and the desire for bigger and better homes and families are a driver of economics among the working class.  Capitalist class families nowadays live in ivory tower complexes where they probably imagine that they will ride the storm of each boom-to-bust cycle.  It is women who demand the very best continuously from men with whom they choose to share a relationship.  This means that production must continue in order to extend to the women a better living space with the kids.  

Family Size.

In the pro-choice era family size is the executive decision of the women.  The burden of the child-raising is still a key consideration for less wealthy women.

Limitations of Reproductive Potential.

For the producers their reproductive potential ultimately rests on their consequential use value as a seller of labour.  Among animals this is known as adaptation to environment through evolutionary developments that are decisive for the creature in reproducing his genes.  Human beings produce their consequential use values, mainly as tools.  However in the mating game the producer is his own best consequential use value.

For the producer-reproducers their reproductive potential ultimately rest on their attractiveness. Her attractiveness is essentially a matter of enigma.  She is her own best consequential use value.  Ideally, however love is a matter of mutual giving. 

Sociological factors of sanction and approval mean that people often cannot pursue their legitimate interests as co-reproducers or are enhanced in this regard.  Religious rules, cultural norms, legal stipulations, state policies, state law, morality, marital opportunities according to set-structure, list among the socially-limiting factors of reproductive potential.

Natural Limitations.

   The natural limitation of reproductive potential for the producer is his age.  The natural limitation of reproductive potential for the producer-reproducer is her period of fertility, which normally extends from the age of 12 years to approximately 40 years of female life.

Artificial Limitations.

The development of contraceptive devices and family planning are often a self-limiting factor for people. The economic life of women is a clear artificial restriction upon them.  The producer component of their dual economic agency has increased to such an extent that their opportunities for child-raising are often self-limited while they advance in education and work experiences.  The child-rearing domain of the private family also causes women to self-limit while they advance their productive capacity.  The Communist solution of a communal child-raising crèche is only available under Late-Capitalism to wealthy women before marriage.

Extension of Reproductive Capacities.

The application of reproductive science to extend the period of fertility of women is of interest to those women who due to uneven development of their dual economy risk childlessness or small family-size.  Advances in male dietary nutrition and healthcare also serve to extend the reproductive capacities of men into their older years.

Hired Help.

For women it is possible to hire the specialist labour of nannies and others to support their dual economy.  The Communist solution to this problem was to make services such as these generally available to all women on an egalitarian basis.  Late-Capitalism provides these services privately.  Only wealthy women can avail of these additions.

The Role of Men in Late Capitalism as Concerns Child-Raising.

The desire for more flexible and suitable support from men in a permanent relationship with women has led to a steady attempt to erode the taboo on direct male involvement in child-raising.  At the same time childless men are shunned on the basis of mistrust.  Women also demand that trusted and approved men take up a role in the child-raising concerns, although they sanction heavily the ones of whom they disapprove.  This combined irony of women’s self-entitlement has led to a significant increase in renegade male populations who represent a loss to the society.

The State and its Powers.

The state is a machine for the domination of one class over another according to the political-philosopher and revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin.  Within Late-Capitalism this is an opportunity for competitive interests to drive home Gender theory in practice.  Unsurprisingly the entire state affair is controlled by capitalists and feminists in one composition or another.  Last for consideration by these political powers are the proletarian men.  He who controls the State controls the future. Therefore the equality mantra is employed to secure more women statesmen.  For the present time capitalists, feminists, and their labour movement tail-ends are content to present to the world the equality principle in relation to women and politics.  This is essential within an electoral system where women are the gender majority voting bloc at 51%.  It is only recently that women-specific political parties have emerged since embedding the political interests of women within the established historical political movements has proved highly successful.  The explicitly State Feminist Parties are hampered by their honesty before the electorate as are the Communist Parties.

Security for Women.

The ambivalence of women as regards male aggression is a social dilemma. On the one hand women hate physically abusive men.  On the other they distain timidity or effete behaviour from among heterosexual men.  This creates a problem whereby they demand police services for the men they have a problem with.  The fear factor for women generates a demand for a security state.

The State Law and its Various Applications.

The ongoing rape and sexual misconduct charges brought by some women against certain men has become infamous before the court of the official media.  This is surely a political cultural movement to pressure incumbent politicians to act in the women’s social interests.  The pressure has been successful in Sweden where the Feminists came to power by surprise after having quietly and persistently burrowed into the socio-economic foundations of that society.  Within any statute are laws for all manner of social control.  The ancient laws against so-called mentally-ill people are extremely effective in the hands of producer-reproducers.  The intersection of women’s politics with the Mental Health Laws are worthy of much study.  This is a versatile law that cuts straight to the heart of the problem for women.  The ambivalence of the women as regards males is resolved by recourse to the sectioning of men whom they accuse of being threatening.  Going further with Fem-power is the new abortion act in Ireland which now permits the abortion of children without question for up to 12 weeks of the early life of the Irish children.  The taxpayer foots the bill.  This means that men who are pro-life must pay for the abortions of their pro-choice neighbours.  At this stage the domestic life of Irish and British women resembles a gender absolutism.

The Family Courts and Their Rulings.

The Family Courts in Late-Capitalism are by now replete with legal precedents such that family law is really a fait-accompli for the women’s side of any family dispute.  Men’s histories go unrecorded where they report being held at gunpoint by Irish police in child custody affairs.

Female Judges.

It is understood that Judges are impartial arbiters of justice.  The law is increasing female-oriented in family matters.

Male Judges. 

It is understood that Judges are impartial arbiters of justice.  The law is increasingly female-oriented in family matters.

The Welfare State.

The conquest of economic concessions from the capitalist class by the classical labour movement has endured up until today.  The flourishing of this labour movement victory is called the Welfare State in Europe.  Through the historical class-based pressure of the workers’ movement across Europe human rights have been really won for all.

The Constant Demand for Provision to the Producer-Reproducers.

As can be easily demonstrated social freedom in a market economy is a function of independent access to economic resources.  Since women have a dualist economy they are unable to secure equal resources as compared to producers without the aid of intermediaries.  What this means is that women understand that men are a resource due to our economic specialisations.  For the past century resources have been continuously transferred from men to women through the intermediary of the State Policies on the rights of women, children and the family.  The economic transfer has been almost an absolute success for women.  The freedom of women is now observable and praised in the Late-Capitalist media.

Education of Children by the State.

Chief among the best economic resources to have is good education.  The political concerns of the producer-reproducers realise a command of the classroom experience.  Most teachers in State schools are women.  The propagation of producer-reproducer ideologies within the education system is self-evident in its results and consequences.  Boys are out.  Girls are in.  From primary school onwards the young women are the recipients of the lionesses’ share of all good things in educational development. With such an expansion of investment in girls as preferred to boys the future is considered female.  At all levels of education except professorial roles women outperform men on the basis of an enhanced calculus of development of their producer component due to socio-political design.  Only by the time women focus on the reproductive component of their dual economy do they slow down in relation to producers in terms of attainment.  However the equality argument is useful to demand gender quotas for professorial roles at the highest level of education.  The rest is subtle humour for the State administrators as the elite educators pretend not to understand the outcomes of their work.  Generally it is working class males who underperform since the tide of history necessarily required a fall-guy and we are the ones in the dock.

Gender Dystopia and the Part-Production of Producers.

Now that women’s rule is at an unheard of level in Late-Capitalism, for the first time in human history it is possible to permanently ruin working class men.  The suicide rates of working class men is significantly skewed at all age brackets but particularly in the formative and prime years of male life.  The observers of the male gender dystopia scratch their heads in wonder at the complete obvious.  Clearly on an unconscious level the men understand that the system is rigged and act out this unconscious rage in acts of violence and death.  The underdevelopment of specialist producers in the economy has led to many conversations about “feelings” while the facts are simply not admitted about the mode of production as an egalitarian fraud.

Gender Dystopia and the Full Production of Producer-Reproducers.

After the Great Recession of 2008-2019 AD which hit men harder than women it has become known to the public consciousness that women are somewhat “superior” to men.  The cup of the producer-reproducers overflows from every economic position. Women’s dual economy is fully developed on both sides.  She is at capacity by the age of 40.  She is now faced with the choice of whether to explore motherhood or continue with production.

The Attempt to Characterise Men as Being Without a Specialist Economic Role.  

Upon the juncture of their late 30s women understand that they would like choice, especially now that the world is their oyster.  To this end their master manipulation of men is not yet finished.  In order to convince the specialist producers that the public role is not necessarily for them, but rather that they too have choice, the women seek to characterise mens’ economic futures as not necessarily a public role as had been the case for all hitherto recorded history.  It my prediction that the men will simply leave the women holding the babies.

The Conclusion of the Male – Female Conflict as the Conflict of Private Properties.

The problem for men and women under capitalism has been the expropriation of working class men of all remaining fragments of private property and the employment of proletarian women in public economy rather than proletarian men.  There could only ever have been a Communist solution to this world historic socio-economic problem.  The first attempt to build a workers state globally was ceremoniously taken down by siege warfare and undermining between 1917 AD and 1991 AD. The Late-Capitalist experience of the social question for the revolutionary proletariat has undergone a reactionary tangent which is expressed as the womens’ movement. On the basis of private property there can be no equality between men and women.  The conclusion of the gender dialectic that was latent in the class dialectic all the way through the 20th Century is realised in the early period of the 21st Century as Capitalist-Feminism.

Communism or Feminism?

Should proletarian men accept Capitalist-Feminism as an end to history?  The future of male-female relations is likely to called a matriarchy in the language of Capitalist-Feminists. In some communities in Late-Capitalism gynarchism is rampant.  The usual reactionary traditions of male combat seek to enlist women in their train for ambitious political projects.  Very notably those microscopic traditions are Fascism and Islamism.  The problem is still transparent: it is the failure of the revolutionary working class men to convince the wider working class men of our historic mission to organise for the future of mankind.  In order to protect men from the degrading effects of Capitalist-Feminist spiritualities this author humbly recommend a spiritual discipline for men to combat the enervating effects of a degenerating Capitalist-Feminist dystopian order.

The Islamic Ethic and the Spirit of Communism.

I would like to contradict Karl Marx on one point concerning the sigh of the oppressed creature under religion and that is to say that religion offers a motive force for the development of the human capacity for spiritual health and ethics.  Bread and prayer are excellent companions on the road to revolutionary outcomes.  The spirit of communism is rooted in religious traditions.  I think that it is a Leninist error to obliterate religion.  Manifest destiny can occur for workers too.  I regard Islam as the most suitable religious option for Communists due to its semi-monastic discipline.          

Excellence in Men and Women.

The practice of Islam has always given to human beings an elevated state of character and guidance when followed sincerely and progressively.  To a revolutionary mind the Qur’an is a revelation which holds promise for the oppressed.  Working class men and women stand to benefit from the regime of moral excellence that Islam offers.  In its pillar of Ramadan Islam realises Communist ideals of common brotherhood and common collectivised work and sharing of resources and meals as equals.  The religion differs from many others by a balanced view of worldly and spiritual concerns.  It is the most Communistic religion from among all the prophetic traditions handed down from previous revolutions.  Its tragedy is that it has mainly been used as a veil for imperialism.  I see its strength in its purely private form and within an Enlightenment secular ideal.  It can redeem any slave of capital be they male or female when read in an egalitarian light.

Law of Beauty.

Marx aspired for the future of humanity that we would under Communism leave the law of necessity behind and embrace the law of beauty.  Islam too understood this at the Alhambra, the Taj Mahal, the Ayah Sofia and also in the relics of Islamic science which can still impress a fair-minded human.  Moreover Islam can transform men and women from apes into human beings.  In time it is a brilliant antidote to ignorance.  I highly recommend embracing this faith as a Communist.  It is a light that never goes out.  Revolutionary Communism is compatible with Islamic Sciences.


The simplest way to enhance one’s character as a producer or producer-reproducer is to keep clean.  Islam trains people in hygiene and purity.  Five times per day Muslims perform a ritual bath to clean themselves before prayer.


Under a seething Late-Capitalist plutocracy, money is a destructive power throughout society.  No self-respecting Communist would trade in the manner of the capitalists and their hangers-on.  Islam confirms the need to deal justly in all financial transactions.  What better way to make distinct the class of the future from the erstwhile class of the present?


What could be more Communist than working together and sharing together?  Within Islam high emphasis is placed on the common good.  The practice of Zakat is indicative of Communist understandings about redistribution of resources on the basis of need.


Hard work and progressive practice are part of Islam.  The early Muslims were progressively developed by their Islam from a dark age into some of the best historical figures.  Muhammad himself was an exemplary human being. That is the standard of any Communist under Communism.

 Covering of the Body.

The decadence of Capitalist-Feminism combined with the chaos in sexual matters since the Great Recession of 2008-2019 AD shocks the mind of the man of letters.  It is high time that working men do the right thing and say the right thing to the women around them.  This is civilised behaviour.


The legendary influence of alcohol on the manhood of men needs no elaboration.  Islam strikes out this foul influence on the slaves of capital by urging teetotalism.  The minds of working men are bastions of the revolutionary consciousness.  Let us protect ourselves at once.


Truthfulness and rationality are seeds of Enlightenment.  The French Revolution gained momentum on the basis of a rigorous analysis of human life by the philosophes.  The impetus to justice was developed by men and women who undertook the extraordinary.  This is good by any definition.  Reason, Science, and the assumption of collective ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange by the industrial proletariat will happen inevitably by our class struggles.  Islam accelerates the recovery process from decline for Communist practitioners.

The Tyranny of Money.

The 3 volumes of Capital by Karl Marx and the 4th volume of Capital, known as “Theories of Surplus Value” by Karl Kautsky are sufficient as a prove of the hideous mastery of human life by money and its representatives, the capitalist class.  Today’s Great Recessionary economy escapes its barriers by a producing a global market of private corporations where the rigour of working life in some cases corresponds to a psychiatric unit in terms of its technological discipline upon working class men and women.  Beyond the workplace the rule of money interferes in human relations like a spiritual thief.

Opposition to the Appropriation of the Economy by Monetary Supremacies.

Communists have the urgent duty to expose the firesales of entire capitals by capitalist governments around the world and their conversion into private kingdoms of the capitalists of various grades resulting from this Great Recession.  Our world is not for sale.  We own it together by right and its continued possession and exchange by the capitalists across the globe is theft of our common property!

The Urgent Communist Demand to Collectivise the Financial Services Sector.

Since the advent of Neo-Conservative or Neo-Liberal economic policies around the world the capitalist system has been exposed as a banking apparatus.  We Communist must oppose this power.  The Collectivisation of the Financial Services Sectors around the world by the revolutionary proletariat is the best focus for anger and grief – not other peoples.

The Education of Proletarians Concerning the Danger to Their Historic Mission Posed by Counter-Historical and Historically Tangential Tendencies.

Capitalist Tyranny has made many of the workers forget that we have a world to win for the future of humanity.  We have been threatened immensely by the philosophical, ideological, and religious opposition to our movement by forces loyal to the conservation of private property.  To overcome this we must as Communists remind and explain to proletarians that our class is the class of the future.  All other statements about the future are historically tangential and limit development into a mere rearranging of the social furniture of capitalist class social relations.

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: the Old-Beauties Must Revive!

When the old crap revives, we must revive the old beauties.  Therefore the echo of the French Revolution can never be ignored by the capitalist class.  This is our revolutionary inheritance as working men of the world.  Let us revive and remember it in our affairs.

The Unity of the Proletariat and the Inevitable Overthrow of All Existing Social Conditions.

The isolation of the workers due to competition is replaced by our revolutionary combination due to association.  This unity of the working class men is the cultural power that must be promoted as the spark of Communist Revolution.

The Spectre of Communism and the Endless Polemical War Against the Erstwhile Reactionaries and the Neo-Adversaries of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, i.e. Communism.

Today we must boldly go forth in all of our unique Communist tendencies of which my simple polemic here is just an example to fight a war of ideas against our adversaries.  The old reactionaries linger on for want of anything new.  However the neo-adversaries of Late Capitalism whose common denominator is a cynical contempt for genuine equality must be opposed relentlessly.  With liberty, equality, and fraternity combined we already have with us the seeds of world revolution for the working men of all countries.  Our revolution, unlike others will be established on the ultimate form of human equality, from which there can be no deviation.  Consider this polemic and share it with other people.  You have within you the power to write your own.  Thank you for reading and I hope that you will give my argument its consideration.

Finally to Reiterate the Call of Justice.

Working Men of the World Unite!  You Have Nothing to Lose but Your Chains!


“The less the skill and exertion or strength implied in manual labor, in other words, the more modern industry becomes developed, the more is the labor of men superseded by that of women. 

Marx, K. and Engels, F. (1848) “Manifesto of the Communist Party”.  Available at: [Accessed 01 December 2019]

Trotsky, L. (1936) “The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and Where is it going?”  Available at: [Accessed 01 December 2019]