Wednesday, April 27, 2022

What Islam has to offer the World is Gold (Arabic Qur'an) and Goldust (Prophet Muhammad's Sunna or Practice) - However some general supports for Mental Health -

 Among the Cures for the Mind are:

(a) Bedrest

(b) Hot running water

(c) Pure nutrition

(d) Astrology

(e) Philosophy

(f) Religion

(g) Advocacy

(h) Exercise

(i) Education

(j) Music

(k) Light work

(l) Dialogue

(m) Travel

(n) Play

(o) Children

(p) Social solidarity

(q) Crystals

(r) Incense

(s) Pure flower oils

(t) Laying of hands

Praise be to Allah by Whose grace all good things are perfected.

Among the Ailments for the Mind are:

(a) Violence

(b) Poverty

(c) Psychiatry

(d) Imprisonment

(e) Psychiatriarchy (Social Psychiatry)

Praise be to Allah under all circumstances.