Man is Endowed with Reason. What causes therefore insanity?
Gavin Bushe
The Angelic Argument
The Angels argue that Man is a mischievous and blood-shedding creature. The Satans argue that Man is a creature inferior to the spirits of fire. Allah said Man was made in perfection. Allah placed Man in The Garden with his wife and they ate food therein. After some time they explored food and ideas that were not prescribed and thus became subject to Divine Wrath. Later Allah sent a guidance to rectify the mistake.
The Marxist Argument
Man is a rational being who formulates thoughts and ideas with inspiration, rationality, and praxis. The progress of the development is interactive. Events occur and form postulates, which are then propositioned and processed by test against other postulates. The resultant conflict between oppositional postulates results in a greater conclusions via the transformation of the twain into more advanced understanding.
The process of the interaction is ongoing until the conclusion. This is the thought process. Reason appears to be suspended while the thought process is occurring due to the inner reflex of the mind upon the thought process and retraction of the cognitive focus away from the optics.
The Cause of Insanity
Insanity is caused by the interaction of the rational mind with the desirous mind. This interaction undermines the thought process by drowning the rational mind in desirous thoughts thus preventing rational bonding between thought molecules.
Furthermore the postulate will continually attempt to rationalise the procedure by interlocution with other postulates. The process is ongoing until realisation occurs.
Satanic influence is the effect of the Satans to operate upon the rational mind by infiltration and subversion. This is resisted by the rational mind until the influence is residualised.
Social influence from the writings of other minds also conflict.
The Iatrogenic Effects of Medical Model Bio-Psychosocial Psychiatry
The effects of the Discipline of Modern Psychiatry is to:
(a) Force the Internalisation of a Label(s).
(b) Drown the rational mind in soporphoria, thus preventing bonding between thought molecules.
(c) Impose social forces to fight into submission the psychiatric subject.
(d) Eliminate the rational mind with electricity, scalpel, and bullets.
(e) Deny the iatrogenic effects instead of acknowledging them.
(f) Publicly relate the iatrogenic effects as life and experience rather than consequence of the implementation of Bio-Psychosocial Model.
(g) Deny the impact of the treatment while plotting to accelerate it.
(f) Silence and remove psychiatric subjects who oppose the Psychiatric State.
How Is Reason Restored?
Reason is restored by asking good questions.
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