Thursday, February 27, 2020

Psychiatriarchy, Psychiatric Gaze and Mentalism

The Psychiatriarchy, The Psychiatric Gaze and Mentalism

By Gavin Bushe
MLIS, B.A. (Hons), Cert

Since the philosopher Aristotle in particular, philosophy has developed a distinct materialist outlook.  This means that the ideas in a human being’s mind are a reflection of thoughts derived from external, real and concrete material stimuli.  Simply put we know that a dog is a dog because we reflect in our minds the real entity that is “a dog”.  Otherwise we could not know what a dog is.  Since Karl Marx materialist philosophy has been described as a summing-up of material experience.  The social order in which human minds find themselves in Ireland in the 2oth and 21st Centuries AD is a “capitalist political-economy”.  Therefore the ideas in human beings’ minds are a sum of life realities within Irish Capitalism.

Psychiatry is the treatment of minds that do not accord to incumbent understandings of the social order in a society.  In Ireland today that means the Capitalist Social Order.  The Psychiatriarchy is the term I use to refer to the set of socio-political relations that operate among the social order to reinforce and perpetuate it.  Therefore it is the Irish Capitalist Psychiatriarchy of the 21st Century in particular.  The Psychiatriarchy is simply the congealed, solidified, crystallised set of thoughts of the incumbent economic beneficiaries of the social order with the collectivity of socio-political activities that the beneficiaries undertake in order to enforce and reinforce their benefits.

As a human who dares to think differently from The Psychiatriarchy you must be prepared to receive its sanction for social authority does not like to be questioned.  The main tool of sanction that The Psychiatriarchy has to curb, repress, suppress, oppress, cut-off, alienate, etc. the non-conformist thinkers is the demonization process of the Psychiatric Gaze with its Mentalisms, or ways-of-looking at “mentally ill” people.  These combined are a tool to negate and characteristically reject any non-conformist thinkers within the social order.  I speak in particular of the Psychiatriarchy of Western Capitalism.  Western Capitalism has constructed the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals 1 to 5 (DSM I – V), in order to alienate and justify the social control of non-conformist thinkers.  What it has done is destroy many human beings’ minds so that the economic wealth might be pooled disproportionately in favour of higher-ranking social order incumbent beneficiaries as against others at a time when wage-labour is permanently over-supplied to the economy.  This it does over and over again.  The only reply by the oppressed is the revolutionary overthrow of the social order and the permanent repudiation of The Psychiatriarchy.  I propose: Liberty, Equality, Society!

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