Thursday, December 9, 2021

Cognitive Impairment and Psychiatric Neurotoxins (Medications)


Cognitive Impairment and Psychiatric Neurotoxins (Medications)


Gavin Bushe MLIS

Psychiatric Survivor


Neurology and Neurotoxins

It is difficult to explain neurology apart from rationally and philosophically without the aid of advanced machine that scan brains in relation to experiments.

However people know what they feel.

Neurotoxins are mass produced by pharmaceutical companies for lucrative profits each quarter of the business period. There are strong incentives on all parties to the profit-making ventures to capture customers.

The brain has been described as the most complex phenomenon in the universe by many outstanding scientists.

Intelligence is the ability to think rationally and imaginatively at least. Whenever Neurotoxins are introduced into the patients’ bodies we observe a decrease in cognitive ability.  This is akin to a chemical lobotomy.

Tests have yet to be conducted on people to observe whether IQ decreases with dosage. However I for one can testify that performance on psychometric tests useful for gaining employment in competitive meritocracies does in fact diminish by a rank of outcome approximating passing in the top 5% to complete test failure. This feature seems to be considered to be par-for-the course by those competitors who have not been poisoned.



In the Olympics there is a taboo on steroids because it is argued that athletes who train naturally are put at a disadvantage by some other athletes who enhance themselves using steroids. It’s called cheating.

However, when patients suffer losses in life and sports and other competitions due to neurotoxins this is considered bad luck. Really it is sabotage.


A brain could be insured by a wealthy person just as footballers insure the legs and supermodels insure their bodies. If somebody were to break the leg of a footballer or throw acid on the skin of a supermodel that would  open to justice in a Bourgeois Court. However brain damage of a human actor in psychiatry is always attributed to genetics and never to the neurotoxins (medications). This is yet more deception.

What is accepted in the case of a frontal lobotomy with drastic observations by any observers is yet to accepted in the court of the criminal perpetrators.

Perhaps a Mafia Don will grant justice.

Psychodynamics of Psychiatric Pill Control: The Game of Domination and Coercion


Psychodynamics of Psychiatric Pill Control: The Game of Domination and Coercion


Gavin Bushe MLIS

Psychiatric Survivor


An Unwinnable Game.

In any game it is the goal of the game and its parameters. For example in soccer the goal is to kick a football more times into the opposition team’s net than it does back into your team’s net.

For the purpose of Psychiatriarchy the goal is to subdue and control and render  paralysed the subjects.  That is the Law. Never can the subjects be lawfully or legally permitted to subdue, control, and render paralysed the Psychiatric Authorities for this would be considered a crime.


The Patterns of Behaviour Observed

The writer has observed the patterns of behaviour of both the Psychiatriarchy and the Caste Citizens.  They are typically a contest on the grounds of Safety First. The Psychiatriarchy is a social net of legally empowered and authorised Citizens who are of the understanding that Law = Good.

They write that the Caste Citizens are unwell and just need the poison. It is the compassion of dark-minded people.

As the game proceeds the Caste Citizens are hunted.

The psychodynamics is that of a gladiatorial arena.

The goal is to get the Caste member to take the medication.

On the opposite side the goal is to refuse the medication.

This makes it a tiresome life long struggle.

Ultimately the goal can be attained by using overwhelming bodies of force against the individual. Garda can be called who will dutifully arrive in large numbers.  The psychology of the crowd is such that they feel elation at the spectacle of crushing (apparently) an individual’s free will.

They then go into denial.

Power seduces and absolute power seduces absolutely.

Upon administration of the poison the winners of the game of domination and coercion relax and breathe a collective sigh of relief. They observe for any signs of further resistance. If there be any, they repeat the game. This goes on over and over again until the subjects are beaten and poisoned.

Next, it is expected that all will be well. Any indicators to the contrary are signals for the game to begin anew. At each iteration the Psychiatriarchy learns and adapts to improve its Domination and Coercion so that it can feel that it has earned its pay.

The net result is the ruin of the Caste Citizens’ lives in the name of a lying deception.

Since many people of limited moral development believe that winning is all, progressively many Caste Citizens have cashed in so as to make money along with the Psychiatriarchy and have thus expanded even further the spectrum of power. We see this in the “snake oil merchants” of mental health who literally profit from the misery and even the tears of Caste Citizens. Bourgeois counsellors, advocates, charities, and Politicians make money out of the business alongside the Corporations. The Third Sector unites with The State Sector and The Private Sector as a total nexus of financial gains wrapping itself around the approximate 1 Million Caste Citizens in Ireland. They sleep well at night. Their wives and children are happy. They can’t explain suicides and homicides nor can the coroner report anything other than open verdicts for to do otherwise would be to dispel the conspiracy of secrecy and deception.

Our goal is to expose this.

Psychiatriarchy and the Civil Caste System of Medical Model Treatment


Psychiatriarchy and the Civil Caste System of Medical Model Treatment


Gavin Bushe MLIS

Psychiatric Survivor


The Political Economy and its Subordinates

Within any Political Economy based on the gathering of surplus wealth into the hands of a ruling group we find that there develops a hierarchy of rank, status, class, grade, position.

Within modern Capitalist States as products of historical development we gather the wealth from mainly workers and hand it over to mainly Capitalists.

However there is the nominal citizen status where every citizen is, on the face of it, equal in front of a State Court. Not so with those citizens who have been diagnosed. We have been subjected to a legal and socio-political procedure that recreates us as a civil caste less-than the wider layer of citizens. In order to appreciate this very subtle and hard to accept truth we can consider the effect of law upon social psychology. It can added in passing that the Psychiatric Caste is awarded due procedure in hidden courts and hidden tribunals.

Law establishes rule.

Please understand that those who are favoured by any law always seek to keep it that way.

Caste systems are visible today in Hindu India among the Sudras or Untouchables. They have been subjected by Hindu Brahmanic Religious Law.

Also, in Communist North Korea and Communist Cuba in which the State oversees production, there is an understanding from the writer Leon Trotsky where a bureaucratic caste rules over a worker and serf layer.

Here is Psychiatric Ireland it is similar and not less powerful. The Psychiatric Caste exists as a less-than category of people throughout the citizen body. No-one wants to admit that law has given rise to iniquity.

Please note that due to the real level of developed powerlessness among the Psychiatric Caste it is unwilling to admit its less-than equal status to society in the vain hopes that it will be ignored.

The rising of consciousness begins with the telling of truth.  The evil process of transforming originally equal citizens into inequitably treated Caste members begins at the point of referral of the citizen to the Psychiatrist via the rule of law and legal procedure extending out of the Mental Health Act 2001 and prior Acts.

Society gathers in its multitude for the purpose of forcing the Citizen to become a Caste member. Society does this because of historical moral challenges innate within the production process. There is not enough to go around.

The surplus is not enough for the population. It must be the case that people receive less than others. Giving somebody a Caste Status that lowers their outcomes vis-à-vis the Citizen Normales or Citizen Superieurs is gleefully accepted by Citizens. Evil is their procedure.


Freedom via Repeal of the Mental Health Act 2001

Liberty can only be attained by concerted struggle.  The majority of the Citizens enjoy their relative misery compared to the Caste members. Without proving our case to the political body our state of being as a Category beneath the Citizens will never change.

Truth is the enemy of The State.

As we write, the Unconscious Civil Caste is furiously writing its testimonies due to be aired on the media.  The struggle for individual existence often means that Civil Caste members cannot accept the designation of them as less-than even while they struggle for equality. Life continues. People live and die. The truth is buried on the internet and it will come one day when Justice is allowed.

The writings of this author may be vindicated in the opinion of discerning readers from foreign lands pleased with a critique of Western Society.

How Medical Model Psychiatry Constructs Psychiatric Illnesses While Treating Emotional Trauma: Iatrogenic Effect.


How Medical Model Psychiatry Constructs Psychiatric Illnesses While Treating Emotional Trauma: Iatrogenic Effect.


Gavin Bushe MLIS

Psychiatric Survivor


Internalisation of the Diagnosis.

There are two parts to what has become described as mental health. The first part is life trauma, and that is to say that people suffer as a result of life experiences. This is natural and part and parcel of any living things’ existence. All living things possess an innate ability by nature to heal themselves by internal regenerative properties. In the case of a mind; a mind can heal itself through rest, nutrition, safe environment, and reflection.

The second of what has come to be described as mental health is the effects of psychiatry. Psychiatry is an authority structure that seeks to superimpose itself upon the traumatised subject. Psychiatry achieves this purpose through the application of psychiatric science. It functions as a tool of marking the mind through the labels of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals from I to V and so on, for which a mind-distorting selection of neurotoxins (medications) is then applied.

The diagnosis is to be rejected. Every prudent subject knows that this is a deception. Unfortunately the subject’s resistance to the diagnosis is interpreted as lack of insight.  The psychiatric authority with the power of law and state seeks to influence others around the psychiatric subject in order to coerce the subject into the role of patient. The goal is to compel the subject into internalising any of the lies.  There are many lies. Each diagnosis is a false statement about the subject. The diagnosis can never be proven because the method is observational without any possibility of validation. That is why psychiatrists differ with each and every diagnosis. At best it is an opinion. The psychiatric subject’s opinion is never accepted.

A person becomes psychiatrically ill only upon contact with the psychiatric authority whose social spectrum of power is a Psychiatriarchy.

It does not suffice by itself to construct a psychiatric illness however because this is only a mind game that can be simply rejected by the strong willed subjects.

The real iatrogenic effect comes to bear at the point of administration of the drugs.

The drugs are neurotoxins which sedate and tranquilise the subjects.

Each drug has its own wretched and disgusting flavour of stupor.

The drugs render the psychiatric subject braindead on a certain level of brain functioning.

Only with the combination of lie and poison can the healthy life-traumatised human being become psychiatrically ill.

Please understand that power operates in overt and subtle manners such that eventually boys are made out of men.

Iatrogenics of Psychiatric Authority overcomes and overpowers most individuals as any group of mind warriors surely overpowers a single individual one at a time.  This leads to a frenzy for the subject.

Combined with the neurotoxins the frenzy of iatrogenics leads only to one of three possible outcomes for the unfortunate subject:  (1)  Lifelong second or third class outsider status with enduring security state observation and review until death. (2)  Suicide. (3)  Homicide.

Most subjects seek avoidance and in the presence of psychiatric allies of the Psychiatriarchy achieve subdual. There to dwell in social, chemical, legal, political, economic, and engendered chains, they seek for death or a way out.


Internalisation and Reconciliation with the Social Order

As many psychiatric subjects advance in life they realise that agreeing with the iatrogenics seems sociable. They are rewarded with acceptance from the Psychiatriarchy for compliance and make excellent propaganda poster-boys and poster-girls for the medication and the internalisation of the diagnoses. This is called success.


After such victory, the subjects can coexist within the system as recovered and useful social characters called the ‘mentally disabled’. This appears to be a wise move to many because through compliant alliance with the Psychiatriarchy social rewards  such as social security payments and access to resources are made available. This is deemed health.


In reality it is living the lie of being a friend to the ones who set out to deceive, rob, murder and dominate you. Only attacking the advanced psychiatric subjects who have thoroughly understood the true nature of the beast gives the erstwhile psychiatric subjects any upwards development within the wider society.


However in Ireland there is a steady average rate of 400 suicides at least each year.