Psychodynamics of Psychiatric Pill Control: The Game of Domination and Coercion
Gavin Bushe MLIS
Psychiatric Survivor
An Unwinnable Game.
In any game it is the goal of the game and its parameters. For example in soccer the goal is to kick a football more times into the opposition team’s net than it does back into your team’s net.
For the purpose of Psychiatriarchy the goal is to subdue and control and render paralysed the subjects. That is the Law. Never can the subjects be lawfully or legally permitted to subdue, control, and render paralysed the Psychiatric Authorities for this would be considered a crime.
The Patterns of Behaviour Observed
The writer has observed the patterns of behaviour of both the Psychiatriarchy and the Caste Citizens. They are typically a contest on the grounds of Safety First. The Psychiatriarchy is a social net of legally empowered and authorised Citizens who are of the understanding that Law = Good.
They write that the Caste Citizens are unwell and just need the poison. It is the compassion of dark-minded people.
As the game proceeds the Caste Citizens are hunted.
The psychodynamics is that of a gladiatorial arena.
The goal is to get the Caste member to take the medication.
On the opposite side the goal is to refuse the medication.
This makes it a tiresome life long struggle.
Ultimately the goal can be attained by using overwhelming bodies of force against the individual. Garda can be called who will dutifully arrive in large numbers. The psychology of the crowd is such that they feel elation at the spectacle of crushing (apparently) an individual’s free will.
They then go into denial.
Power seduces and absolute power seduces absolutely.
Upon administration of the poison the winners of the game of domination and coercion relax and breathe a collective sigh of relief. They observe for any signs of further resistance. If there be any, they repeat the game. This goes on over and over again until the subjects are beaten and poisoned.
Next, it is expected that all will be well. Any indicators to the contrary are signals for the game to begin anew. At each iteration the Psychiatriarchy learns and adapts to improve its Domination and Coercion so that it can feel that it has earned its pay.
The net result is the ruin of the Caste Citizens’ lives in the name of a lying deception.
Since many people of limited moral development believe that winning is all, progressively many Caste Citizens have cashed in so as to make money along with the Psychiatriarchy and have thus expanded even further the spectrum of power. We see this in the “snake oil merchants” of mental health who literally profit from the misery and even the tears of Caste Citizens. Bourgeois counsellors, advocates, charities, and Politicians make money out of the business alongside the Corporations. The Third Sector unites with The State Sector and The Private Sector as a total nexus of financial gains wrapping itself around the approximate 1 Million Caste Citizens in Ireland. They sleep well at night. Their wives and children are happy. They can’t explain suicides and homicides nor can the coroner report anything other than open verdicts for to do otherwise would be to dispel the conspiracy of secrecy and deception.
Our goal is to expose this.
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