Thursday, December 9, 2021

Psychiatriarchy and the Civil Caste System of Medical Model Treatment


Psychiatriarchy and the Civil Caste System of Medical Model Treatment


Gavin Bushe MLIS

Psychiatric Survivor


The Political Economy and its Subordinates

Within any Political Economy based on the gathering of surplus wealth into the hands of a ruling group we find that there develops a hierarchy of rank, status, class, grade, position.

Within modern Capitalist States as products of historical development we gather the wealth from mainly workers and hand it over to mainly Capitalists.

However there is the nominal citizen status where every citizen is, on the face of it, equal in front of a State Court. Not so with those citizens who have been diagnosed. We have been subjected to a legal and socio-political procedure that recreates us as a civil caste less-than the wider layer of citizens. In order to appreciate this very subtle and hard to accept truth we can consider the effect of law upon social psychology. It can added in passing that the Psychiatric Caste is awarded due procedure in hidden courts and hidden tribunals.

Law establishes rule.

Please understand that those who are favoured by any law always seek to keep it that way.

Caste systems are visible today in Hindu India among the Sudras or Untouchables. They have been subjected by Hindu Brahmanic Religious Law.

Also, in Communist North Korea and Communist Cuba in which the State oversees production, there is an understanding from the writer Leon Trotsky where a bureaucratic caste rules over a worker and serf layer.

Here is Psychiatric Ireland it is similar and not less powerful. The Psychiatric Caste exists as a less-than category of people throughout the citizen body. No-one wants to admit that law has given rise to iniquity.

Please note that due to the real level of developed powerlessness among the Psychiatric Caste it is unwilling to admit its less-than equal status to society in the vain hopes that it will be ignored.

The rising of consciousness begins with the telling of truth.  The evil process of transforming originally equal citizens into inequitably treated Caste members begins at the point of referral of the citizen to the Psychiatrist via the rule of law and legal procedure extending out of the Mental Health Act 2001 and prior Acts.

Society gathers in its multitude for the purpose of forcing the Citizen to become a Caste member. Society does this because of historical moral challenges innate within the production process. There is not enough to go around.

The surplus is not enough for the population. It must be the case that people receive less than others. Giving somebody a Caste Status that lowers their outcomes vis-à-vis the Citizen Normales or Citizen Superieurs is gleefully accepted by Citizens. Evil is their procedure.


Freedom via Repeal of the Mental Health Act 2001

Liberty can only be attained by concerted struggle.  The majority of the Citizens enjoy their relative misery compared to the Caste members. Without proving our case to the political body our state of being as a Category beneath the Citizens will never change.

Truth is the enemy of The State.

As we write, the Unconscious Civil Caste is furiously writing its testimonies due to be aired on the media.  The struggle for individual existence often means that Civil Caste members cannot accept the designation of them as less-than even while they struggle for equality. Life continues. People live and die. The truth is buried on the internet and it will come one day when Justice is allowed.

The writings of this author may be vindicated in the opinion of discerning readers from foreign lands pleased with a critique of Western Society.

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