Simply Put: The Cause of and
Solution to Mental Health Problems from Within an Islamic Communist
Gavin Bushe
MLIS, B.A. (Hons), Cert.
Psychiatric Survivor and
Expert by Experience: 1996-2019 AD
Causes of Mental Health Problems within the Social Order: Alienation,
Ignorance, Poverty, Stigma, Exploitation, Oppression, Suppression, Repression,
Social Exclusion
Social Order
The social order of any
society is always an incumbent social order.
Within any society there are people of various levels of social
standing. Life occurs within society and
mental health problems are a social signal that there are life problems within
it. People who suffer from mental health
problems often understand that there is something wrong with life in society.
Many great men and women
have reflected on these problems and produced understandings that aim to
resolve what is at the same time problematic for them and problematic within
the societies that they live in.
While there are a great many
of these great men and women, I regard the following two people as having
contributed the most to the social analysis and the resolution of very similar
social problems: they are Karl Marx the Founder of Communism and Muhammad the
Prophet of Islam.
Some people within any given
societies do become separated from the social body to such an extent that they
are regarded as alien to their fellows.
The process through which this occurs is called alienation. This means that they are divorced from and
disturbed by social relations around them to the point that they no longer know
who they are at that time and are regarded as foreign by those social
relations. In Marx’s classical
description this process occurs mainly for workers under the capitalists’
social order. This type of alienated
human being is also created by the psychiatric social order which is a parallel
regime of human control within capitalism.
People who have become
alienated by society often are in the dark about why they are alienated. Psychiatrists refer to this condition as lack
of insight. The solution from both
Founders is to reflect upon your own relations to your kind. This is the movement from ignorance to
understanding. For Marx this occurs
within an historical setting. For
Muhammad this occurs within a prophetic tradition within an historical
setting. Both great men have produced a
far-reaching range of texts that aim to diagnose in general terms the overall
problems of human beings in societies.
The movement from ignorance to understanding eventually leads to
enlightenment. There are many
developments such as this. However the
search for understanding is accelerated by the writings of great men and women
and both Marx’s and Muhammad’s manifestations are comprehensive of human
reality in the past, present, and future.
There are other
understandings of human reality but only Marx and Muhammad claim to have
discovered the complete assessment. This
is why I recommend these mens’ guidances.
Lack of needs: Just as a plant will not grow very well
without the sustenance that it requires for its growth and development, so too
will a human being fail to advance without the things he or she needs. Poverty is in at least two forms: mental and
In order for a human being
to grow he or she must initially receive mental and physical sustenance from
another source outside of him or her.
With this sustenance he or she will advance.
According to both Marx and
Muhammad the incumbent social order is organised in such a way historically as
to prioritise the needs of some over others. Marx calls this class
society. Muhammad calls this pagan
morality. In both cases there is an
overlap between class societies and pagan moralities. In most cases the upper or ruling classes
prioritise their needs over and above the lower classes. At the same time pagan morality which focuses
on falsity nearly always operates within the upper and ruling class levels as a
commonly re-occuring tendency.
This is why poverty is a scourge
for people with mental health concerns.
Without wealth they become dependent on the wealthy. In this case they might not grow as a human
Social realities can often
create situations where some people in a society are elevated while others are
lowered. The tendency is binary and
often self-perpetuating over time. People with stigma are usually maintained in
that stigma by those people who by default are relatively elevated by
comparison. Stigma is essentially social
taint. Its origins are historical for
many reasons. The main reason is that
within historical societies there have always been, since primitive communism,
a social reality where one major class held down and oppressed a subordinate
class by succession. The stigma idea
means that this group is better than that group. It exists in almost every part of society as
a consequence of resources being controlled by some who are therefore rulers in
relation to others. Those others are
therefore ruled via a dependency relationship.
The stigma is an idea that magnifies the inequality and seems to justify
Beyond the subordination of
some by others in society, the social life for humans is necessarily
socio-economic. Within a socio-economic
relationship that is competitive and controlled by rulers who seek advantage, exploitation
emerges by which the economically powerful extract more and more resources from
the economically weak. This strange
reality gives rise to pagan morality in the exploiters. It also causes harm to the exploited.
To overbear upon another
human being is the expression of social oppression. This takes on a hideous form when combined
with wealth inequality, social consensus, and social acceptance.
Often human beings who are
oppressed fight back against their oppressors.
The oppressors in their turn clamp down upon the resisters. The interaction between suppressers and
resisters leads to conflicts, clashes, and riots.
After the conflicts take on
an elaborate development organised social forces within the incumbent social
order combine to systematically put-down resistance.
Once the dust has settled
for a time on an historical reality composed of ruling class domination and
pagan morality, history shows that the subordinated groups and individuals are
pushed into zones of society where they are effectively excluded from the
contemporary life of their more elevated, or contrariwise, less stigmatised (non)
associates. This social stratification
is called combined and unequal development.
It threatens to endure permanently unless remedial action is taken in
order to include the social aliens into the social bodies of human life.
Solutions to Mental Health Problems Within the Social Order: Knowledge, Wealth
Redistribution, Mutuality, Ethics, Solidarity, Joint Endeavours
The education of society
about mental health problems is the first and most obvious requirement for the
dispelling of the myths and lies about the mental health concerns. Without a correct understanding of what is
causing the problems no sincere remedy will ever be accepted. The people who have mental health concerns at
the same time have the answers to those problems. However it tends to be the case that the
mental health population falls into lower classes as compare to their
associates who tend to fall into pagan moralities. This is because the compound effects of the
causes results in realities where social stratification is solidified by a
conflict between myths, lies and falsehoods versus understandings produced by
the mental health population themselves, which is morally corrosive to the
truths of the mental health population.
The incumbent social order
after having produced things of value over time must ensure that these valuable
are available to all. Since people with
mental health concerns tend to be among the poorest of people in society and it
is clear that poverty is a cause of human suffering, both Marx and Muhammad
insist upon a revolutionary redistribution of the wealth concerns of the
society in favour of the historically oppressed who for that reason chief among
the others have a mental health problem.
The key to justice is
reciprocation. Mental Health Problems
being social phenomena can only be treated by a change in the way people relate
one to another. As opposed to a
one-sided arrangement where the causal factors of mental health problems are
heaped upon some while its corollary: wealth, power, and authority within the
social order are developed for others, a renewed social order where equality is
the rule must emerge. This must mean
that the class distinctions are abolished between social groups. Within the contemporary society there are the
following classes: Landowners, Capitalists, Workers, De-Classed Workers. Running through these four classes as a
parallel phenomenon are the distinctions of mental health. Unfortunately these distinctions are
precluded of their social hierarchy by language. Within every class there are mental health
issues and at the same time the mental health population which runs like a
thread throughout them is in each and every one of them the subordinated party.
Clearly the reality of
mental health problems as a social disease requires for its remedy the
cultivation of ethical practices which change society while ameliorating it at
the same time. Marx and Muhammad both
agree that it is necessary to aid the lowest classes while at the time fighting
against the ruling class with justice practices.
The isolation of people with
mental health problems requires the revival of community without which the
degeneration of social life into pagan class animosities would continue. What this means is that unity and community
cohesion are antidotes to the world without humanity.
Beyond class society with
its tendencies towards pagan moralities people must begin to form egalitarian
associations with a determination to oppose the social categories of oppressor
and oppressed. We must build unity and
mutual social equality identification and as a rule. Only then can we live in associations as
healthy human actors for whom mental health problems are a consideration of
diversity within social growth and development instead of a hierarchical
arrangement of quarantined human actors who are underdeveloped and subjected by
the super-incumbent strata of the social order.
P. (1897) ‘Anarchist Morality.’
Available at:
[Accessed 13 January 2020]
book describes the idea of reciprocation and cooperation in human
relationships. It espouses the idea of
mutual aid. It simplies Christian
morality to the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Lenin, V. I. (1919) ‘The
State: a lecture delivered at sverdlov university’ Available at: [Accessed 13 January 2020]
This book describes
the idea of the social system as an administrative machine overruling society
and reinforcing the rule of those who possess the means of production,
distribution, and exchange.
Marx, K., Engels, F. (1848)
‘The Communist Manifesto.’ Available at:
[Accessed 13 January 2020]
This book outlines
the entire theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels as an analysis of
interactive change through conflict between classes across time and place. It is the expression in the sphere of
economics and history of George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s philosophy of
development of the World Spirit.
Marx, K. (1867) ‘Capital,
a critique of political economy’. Available at:
[Accessed 13 January 2020]
This book describes
the essential and inherent laws of development of the capitalist system as a
mode of production winning its way through history with iron necessity. It is an explanation of how and why things of
use are produced and exchanged and made available to people who need them.
The Noble Qur’an.
(623) ‘The Noble Qur’an.’ Available
[Accessed 13 January 2020]
This book is a
Revelation from Allah to the Holy Prophet Muhammad. It was manifested upon the heart of Muhammad
ibn Abdullah at Mecca, Medina and wider Arabia in the 7th Century AD. Islamic scholars insist that the source of
the manifestation is the Angel Gabriel who had also brought the news to Mary of
her son Jesus.
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